Friday, July 04, 2008

Wake Up and Smell the Crude Oil

In the movie “The Formula” (1980) a characters representing Big Oil said:

"We're not in the oil business; we're in the oil shortage business!"

"The people will accept the 12 cents now because we can blame it on the Arabs!"

"You're missing the point: We *are* the Arabs."

This worldview can today be expanded and directly applied not to Big Oil but to members of the Democrat (aka Dangerous) Party and the eco-fascist zealots who pull their strings. The expansion of doctrinaire environmentalism extends to all forms of energy not deemed to be “earth friendly”.

The foreign watershed events that have led us to energy shortages and high prices can be easily traced to OPEC ascendancy through nationalizing oil supplies and its initial use of “the oil weapon” in the 1970’s. OPEC would not have anything near the impact it does today without what also originated in the 1970’s and has proven to be a much more damaging series of domestic events having a significant and transcending impact on Americas energy landscape.

The hysteria of one pantophobic President, Jimmy Carter, abetted by the usual suspects (Hollywood, the mainstream media, and “moderate” Republicans – EPA started under Bush The Elder) started the drumbeat for unprecedented regulation of not just the major portion of free market commerce in America but also of individual freedom of choice. Today with the complete cowing of almost all so called political leaders anyone can see how successful the environmental movement has become.

But whatever the environmental movement is today it does not remotely resemble what it was when it originated. Environmentalists such as Ansel Adams and Teddy Roosevelt have existed in America for decades. What has energized and transformed the environmental movement is the death of communism in the former Soviet empire. Is it a coincidence that the starting of the EPA and the end of Soviet Russia both occurred under the administration of George Herbert Walker Bush?

The fall of the evil empire showed once again how much of a failure is the doctrine of government as being the center of the universe and not the servant of the people. The implosion of the Soviet Union caused the left to become rebels without a cause. Like a hungry parasite looking for a new host, these disaffected communists overran the environmentalists and radicalized their message.

For all the rhetoric from the left hectoring “It’s the economy, stupid” as being interpreted as a call for strengthening the American economy the opposite is true. The left is quite aware of how powerful draconian environmental controls can be in wrecking any economy and especially, hope against hope, the American free market). These controls are just a variant of the infamous communist five-year plans whose repeated failures caused millions to starve to death in Russia. Current environmental controls have the legacy of restricting food supplies (ethanol subsidies) and driving up prices (corn and everything that feeds off of it) with the bonus of also curtailing energy supplies (nukes, shale oil, domestic drilling) and driving up energy prices (foreign oil).

Remarkably in spite of housing, energy, and other crises and in the face of relentless gloom and doom reporting inspired by the presence of a Republican in the White House the American economy continues to grow. But if the Dangerous Party takes over and the American free market economy implodes what will we replace it with?


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