Friday, July 04, 2008

Party of Hope?

To me there can be no greater indicator of hope in the future by any individual than the conceiving and parenting of a child. A few years back a study conducted in Russia showed that due to generally poor societal conditions, including a systemically corrupt and onerous government, Russian women were choosing to have fewer children. The underlying conclusion of the study was that Russian women had less hope and because of this did not want to raise children.

While being systematically corrupt and onerous the Russian government, being post communist, was still open enough to allow such a study to be conducted and published unlike its communist predecessor. One can only guess how long Russian government will remain somewhat open.

Corrupt and onerous governments often enter into the area of population control as evidenced historically by Nazi Germany and currently by Communist China (one child mandate) and by public financing of Planned Parenthood (unfettered abortion) in the United States. Through its support of Planned Parenthood it is the de facto policy of the Government of the United States to promote abortions any time anywhere and under any circumstances. One cannot conclude otherwise.

For many years Planned Parenthood has been feverishly killing babies because it offers no hope or no alternatives to clients. But more appealing to craven advocates of eugenics abortion, like the moralistically relative practice of plastic surgery, is profitable. And Planned Parenthood obviously likes profit. To make a profit off the misery of others to the extent practiced by Planned Parenthood makes greedy oil sheiks look like the Sisters of Mercy.

Senator Barak Obama has of late been promoting “traditional family values”. Realizing that words have no meaning to him other than to further his chances of election I would offer the following. If you are serious about family values then you Senator must call for the immediate cutoff of any federal funding to Planned Parenthood. You should also suggest that state and local governments might also consider doing the same.

It is undeniable that of the estimated 18 million abortions occurring since Rowe v. Wade, black babies have been casualties to a much greater extent than they are represented in society at large. This is more than Affirmative Action, it is genocide of a greater magnitude than what is now happening in Darfur.

It is commendable to call for black men to be responsible parents but at the same time it is irresponsible not to condemn killings beyond the imagination of Bloods, Crips, and Gangsta rappers. This is an issue that transcends traditional politics and Senator Obama should be a supporter. As to Senator McCain, he calls himself pro-life and is a Republican so such an appeal should not be necessary. He should already be advocating such a position.


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