The Cost of Environmental Correctness
As the costs of the Federal Government "fixing" the financial mess increase, the reality of the disconnect between the denizens of the Beltway and the rest of America grows ever more apparent. Talk of additional massive stimulus and infrastructure improvement heaped upon hurried ill-considered and apparently ineffective financial bailouts ignores not just fiscal but also special interest realities. The party in power utters NOT ONE WORD about the obstacles infrastructure improvement will face from the various envirofascist groups to which they are beholden.
Just as building new nuclear power plants, as was suggested by the defeated GOP candidate for President, was and still is seen as a pipe dream so remains the suggested plans to drill for domestic oil in or offshore of several states. California, with vast untapped offshore oil resources, flounders in debt while toeing the line of environmental correctness. The United States continues to send billions of dollars overseas to hostile regimes no matter that worldwide oil prices have recently declined. The party in power continues to tap dance around the 800 pound gorilla in the room when saying, falsely as judged by previous experience, that it will create lasting jobs through pork barrel projects. Their assumption that these "shovel ready" projects will somehow not be contested tooth and nail by advocates of the rights of the snail darter.
The recent "Miracle on the Hudson" is a metaphor for what the American economy has been going through for the past 40 years. As the flocks of birds, read environmental restrictions, become larger and larger it becomes more and more difficult to keep the American economy flying. And this economy has been flying only because it remains generally in the hands of skillful private pilots. With our sudden turn to socialism imagine the outcome as the pilot of airliner is changed to governmental apparatchiks during the final glide path to the Hudson River.
Just as building new nuclear power plants, as was suggested by the defeated GOP candidate for President, was and still is seen as a pipe dream so remains the suggested plans to drill for domestic oil in or offshore of several states. California, with vast untapped offshore oil resources, flounders in debt while toeing the line of environmental correctness. The United States continues to send billions of dollars overseas to hostile regimes no matter that worldwide oil prices have recently declined. The party in power continues to tap dance around the 800 pound gorilla in the room when saying, falsely as judged by previous experience, that it will create lasting jobs through pork barrel projects. Their assumption that these "shovel ready" projects will somehow not be contested tooth and nail by advocates of the rights of the snail darter.
The recent "Miracle on the Hudson" is a metaphor for what the American economy has been going through for the past 40 years. As the flocks of birds, read environmental restrictions, become larger and larger it becomes more and more difficult to keep the American economy flying. And this economy has been flying only because it remains generally in the hands of skillful private pilots. With our sudden turn to socialism imagine the outcome as the pilot of airliner is changed to governmental apparatchiks during the final glide path to the Hudson River.
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