Sunday, July 20, 2008

The New Three R's

When public school teachers are permitted by their labor union handlers and school administrators to spend time in the classroom actually teaching K – 12 students they teach under a new set of rules that have evolved over the last 40 to 50 years. This set of rules can be said to be “The New Three R’s”:




These rules build upon each other in the order shown. First there is relativism. Relativism is the underpinning to the other two rules. It is the eraser that removes all sense of individuality, uniqueness, and morality. Relativism masquerades as equality. However, relativism, rather than being about all men being created equal is instead the emasculation of equality. Relativism divides humanity into two classes: overseers and slaves.

Overseers, as if by magic, appear on this Earth having with them the birthright of controlling the slaves. Slaves, as manifested by today’s typical public student, are to be kept fat and dumb. While slaves may not achieve the third part of the fat, dumb and happy trifecta two out of three is not bad especially under the relativist scorecard. Just give Timmy his ribbon for finishing seventh, pat him on the head while telling him how great he is and send him on his way.

Racism, along with its stepchild sexism, is the straw that stirs the slaves keeping them divided and perpetually victims. Without direction much less hope the slaves remain a mindless rabble and therefore can be more easily controlled. This is a tried and true tactic used by overseers past and present as they all share one common viewpoint, that humanity has the common interests and intelligence of pack animals needing occasional feeding, watering, and through the judicious use of race and sex baiting, corralling.

This is extremely useful to the overseer. In public schools this is manifested as multiculturalism. In multiculturalism all cultures, with the exception of “white male” have equal relativistic value. Democracy as practiced in the United States is therefore not an ideal so much as a perpetual struggle or revolution against a white male dominated cabal.

With the first two rules in place it is but a short step to revisionism. If relativism and racism/sexism are the basis for all that is known about the past or present then it is the duty of the teacher to mold the soft clay of history and current affairs to reflect this point of view. And thus the equally malleable young minds in the classroom are also molded to accept revisionism as the only valid point of view.

So public school students are prepared for hardcore indoctrination in American colleges and universities. Public schools have become quite adept at preparing students for this further indoctrination aspect of their higher education experience. As to preparing students to do well in academics it is relative. Those of the proper racial/sexual profile can play the victim card, be admitted to the college or university of their choice and fail in serious academics or get a worthless degree in some coursework touted as soft “science”. Those not making the profile cut spend time in purgatory learning what they should have learned in high school before they can truly enter the intellectual hell of a course of learning not leading to a degree in hard science, mathematics, engineering, or business.

Those not choosing to take the easy way out find what serious students before them came to know. There is no easy way to gain real knowledge. Obsequious teachers, professors, and administrators cannot prepare the student for their future life as an adult. The disciplines of Newton, Pascal, and Einstein require intense discipline and precise thinking uncluttered by feel good irrationality. In the real world there are in fact two different classes of people. They are called winners and losers. And by constantly playing the victim you only put yourself in the latter category.


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