Monday, July 07, 2008

The Left Lied and Children Died

Whether at the hands of that classic redundancy the habitual pedophile, the proprietor of an abortion mill, or from the bite of a malaria-carrying mosquito untold millions of children around the world have suffered and died directly due to the acts and ideas of utopians, progressives, socialists, Marxist-Leninists or in short leftists. The devil as the ultimate expression of evil is also known by many names. But that is a statement of moral judgment and leftists do not make such judgments.

As such there is a common thread running through these leftist inspired actions is the dogma of moral equivalency or relativism. Relativism tells the leftist that humankind is of no greater significance or importance on this Earth than any other physical or biological phenomenon. Organic or inorganic, an object is but an object. Objects are created, acted upon, and destroyed by an uncaring and randomly evolving universe. Under such a system they are advised to enjoy the ride and grab everything for themselves that they can because there is no future beyond this life. Many, including children and viable fetuses have a very short ride indeed.

In a decades old tradition the ideologists of the left have bitterly clung to moral equivalency all the while lying about and providing justification and cover for all manner of scurrilous theories derived from relativism. Unfortunately many of these theories such as restorative justice, a woman’s right to unfettered abortion and hysteria driven hyperbolic environmentalism have become reality due to the action or inaction of like minded cowardly or dastardly world leaders. Throughout time citizens of large regions of the world have been reduced to the status of lab rats subject to overt or subtle orchestration of their lives when these leaders justify their actions based upon the faulty or nonexistent “logic” of the left.

This is of course at odds with a faith-based view of the universe. While relativists deny and do not admit that selfishness is their credo in life, people of faith will generally agree that humans are born selfish or with sin. Whether this sin is hardwired scientifically or is part of the human soul becomes a matter of faith. Relativists would try to attack people of faith based on science. They would seek to discount not only the existence of the human soul but also of any biological imperative causing evil to be present at birth because they do not believe in the existence of “evil”.

It has been an article of a faith-based culture to champion life whereas relativists find no purpose in life and so do not value it. It is therefore a short journey to travel from relativism to belief in the culture of death over the culture of life. In this way, relativists have much in common with unapologetic killers such as jihadists. One wears a three-piece suit while the other has a turban and flowing robes but what lies beneath is blind hatred of anyone who would oppose them. Only the methods used to increase the body count differ.


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