Illegal Immigration Nation
The concept of government of the people, by the people, and for the people has taken a big hit for the past several decades because of the issue of illegal immigration. Despite passage of numerous English only and other “E Pluribus Unum” type initiatives and referenda (including most notably such “blue” states like California) government officials and apparatchiks from both sides of the aisle and all branches and geographical levels whether elected or appointed have assiduously ignored and in some cases ridiculed the will of the people of the United States of America. They have turned “Out of Many, One” on its head.
Because of this millions of “undocumented workers” have been actively encouraged by a host of special interests to enter this country in direct violation of national law. That these special interests have been able to do so reflects not on them but on a national, state, and local government that is bankrupt of any belief of America being a unique and valued nation. Here again they have turned logic on its head as they subvert the very ideals that draw so many to this country legally.
When leading presidential candidates are reduced to doubletalk regarding their position on this subject and when looters are shot when exiting their victims home most likely because they don’t understand “Stop or I’ll shoot” average Americans know they are seeing just the tip of a very large iceberg that threatens to sink this nation into a sea of chaos. That iceberg is just now being acknowledged:
• It amounts to hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal aliens currently in prison or on the run in America.
• It amounts to a severe drain on health and educational infrastructure caused by those who are not citizens but somehow have the same rights as American citizens.
• It amounts to average Americans not being secure in their own country because they or members of their family may be killed or seriously injured by someone who either is unprepared or unwilling to become a part of the American dream in a lawful and respectful manner.
Rights of an American citizen are being conferred on illegal aliens not by the average American citizen but by the government that allegedly serves them. This course of action not only is an affront to Americans but to those who strive to become Americans by following the laws and regulations of their proposed adopted country.
Those who would hold office must be held accountable. They must clearly state their support for America as a nation and in uphold the law of the land. To do otherwise needs to be shown to them as being political suicide. Those who will not affirm their support of American values need not apply for any governmental position.
Because of this millions of “undocumented workers” have been actively encouraged by a host of special interests to enter this country in direct violation of national law. That these special interests have been able to do so reflects not on them but on a national, state, and local government that is bankrupt of any belief of America being a unique and valued nation. Here again they have turned logic on its head as they subvert the very ideals that draw so many to this country legally.
When leading presidential candidates are reduced to doubletalk regarding their position on this subject and when looters are shot when exiting their victims home most likely because they don’t understand “Stop or I’ll shoot” average Americans know they are seeing just the tip of a very large iceberg that threatens to sink this nation into a sea of chaos. That iceberg is just now being acknowledged:
• It amounts to hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal aliens currently in prison or on the run in America.
• It amounts to a severe drain on health and educational infrastructure caused by those who are not citizens but somehow have the same rights as American citizens.
• It amounts to average Americans not being secure in their own country because they or members of their family may be killed or seriously injured by someone who either is unprepared or unwilling to become a part of the American dream in a lawful and respectful manner.
Rights of an American citizen are being conferred on illegal aliens not by the average American citizen but by the government that allegedly serves them. This course of action not only is an affront to Americans but to those who strive to become Americans by following the laws and regulations of their proposed adopted country.
Those who would hold office must be held accountable. They must clearly state their support for America as a nation and in uphold the law of the land. To do otherwise needs to be shown to them as being political suicide. Those who will not affirm their support of American values need not apply for any governmental position.