Friday, February 11, 2011

PC and a stunted culture

We see everywhere the results of the Politically Correct Imams fatwas issued against American culture and values. As a consequence the PC theocracy, in the form of local, state and federal government, assumes more control over the lives of ordinary Americans. The control they take ranges from nudges ("suggestions" from a first lady as to what to eat because we the people are deemed obese and unable to tend to ourselves) to outright strangulation (from town ordinances regarding regulation of where one can smoke and how one wears their jeans to where one can drill or not drill for oil because we the people have no judgment and must, as a vegetable, be tended to by others).

These fatwas show that once given the opportunity, there are no limits to where a government can go to restrict people's behavior. And they also show how easily freedom can be lost when people give up their personal responsibility and allow government overseers to run their lives. Is living on the plantation where "security" is gained and risk is minimized better than living the rough and tumble life in a democratic society? In the real world, outside of the plantation, people interact and things happen. Feelings get hurt. Not everyone gets their way. The people establish norms for behavior for what is acceptable and what is not. Those who ignore these norms are marginalized or ignored unless they can convince the society that their ideas and views have merit. Like the financial economy, the marketplace of ideas that underlies and supports it must be free, vibrant and unfettered to the greatest extent possible.

So we have public service announcements, congressional finger wagging, and nit picking rules administered by nanny state bureaucrats in place of the wisdom of groups based on common experience and a common constitution. The efforts to dumb down of the public by the government continues well after one escapes from public schools and institutes of higher indoctrination. Each time we feel there "ought to be a law" we need to realize that law will bring another coven of apparatchiks and will restrict freedom. We get this now without laws being enacted. The courts impose "case law" and unelected bureaucrats impose "regulations". We need to take a stand and at least nullify the existence of these pseudo laws and rely only on the Constitution and those laws enacted by a legislative body and affirmed by an executive signature.


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