Sunday, February 22, 2009

Is Political Correctness Dead?

A few days ago Bill O'Reilly, on his national cable TV program, made the "bold fresh" assertion that political correctness (PC) is dead. He offered as his only support that people would not stand for it, especially in this economy. I can't disagree more.

I’ll consider PC dead when the CIA doesn’t advertise itself as being “an equal opportunity employer”. Socializing the intelligence community through the wrong-headed doggerel of equal opportunity political correctness stifles creativity and punishes innovation. Additionally the intelligence community is compromised by being forced to hire lesser qualified candidates who, when it really matters, are less likely to support their country because they are not clear on the concepts of duty, personal sacrifice, and honor. The NY Times has for years taken advantage of confidential and secret information leaked to them by self-serving idealists who serve only their ego with no thought of serving their country.

I’ll consider PC dead when, as a friend suggested to me, the ACLU is out of business. The ACLU has been the biggest domestic enemy faced by America in the latter part of the 20th Century through today. During this time they have arguably done more damage to the American way of life than the KKK, Weather Underground, Black Panthers, or any other violent group of domestic radicals you could name. The onslaught of lawyers against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as the ACLU knows, is much more effective than violence because it leads to a gradual erosion of freedom and the enemy that looks like you and appears to act like you is much harder to identify and fight.

I'll consider PC dead when an entire generation of Americans has either lapsed into senility or died. This generation of course is the Baby Boomers also known as the Worst Generation. While, like any generalization concerning a large segment of the population, not all Baby Boomers do not suffer from a severe case of arrested development many of them do. Enough of these attention deficit disordered miscreants have found their way into leadership positions in education, business, the media, and government to do serious damage. Until this group of guilt-ridden inheritors of and lack of appreciators for wealth, liberty, freedom, and faith pass unto dust PC will remain with us.

In the interests of full disclosure, I am a Baby Boomer. And I am not proud of it as I consider myself to be a Christian first and then an American.


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