Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Who do you want as President when the faux shooting starts?

If the Devil only wears Prada then that must be the reason Hillary Rodham-Clinton didn’t pack a bulletproof vest when she visited the Balkans lo these many years ago. That and possibly the sound of one hand clapping constantly droning in her head drowned out if not deflected the imaginary bullets being fired at her by imaginary snipers.

Either way her addled or plainly dishonest (take your pick) characterization of the Balkans trip was totally at odds with events documented on tape by the press and the accounts of others who were also there. Hillary’s “version” of reality must have been seared, positively seared into her psyche. All that was missing was the juxtaposition of the violence in the Balkans with Christmas.

Hillary is the latest in a long line of leftist action figure poseurs. In contrast to her and similar creepy warrior wannabes groupies, those who are truly heroic seldom if ever talk much less brag about their past actions. Instead when pressed to tell of their war experiences they usually deflect recognition to their fallen comrades who paid the ultimate price in service to their country.

Whether Hillary was addled or dishonest, neither a stirring quality for one who would be President, when speaking of her leadership “experience” she has belittled those true warriors who actually served in combat in the Balkans. Coming from Hillary this is not new. In order to become President she will say anything but that will not include saying anything positive about American service men and women. Quite the contrary as doing this would cause her to fall out of favor with her core constituency.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Global Warming and Hatred of Humanity

Those who were unalterably opposed to technological innovation and societal progress used to be called luddites. Today in at least one highly visible area of our contemporary society they have morphed into the Earth Liberation Front, Greenpeace and other militant fringe groups professing total loyalty to an Earth devoid of not just the works of man but man in total. To hear this significant subset of the environmental movement tell it, humanity has infested Mother Gaia with its carbon based presence and they truly despise it for doing so. With over 6 and ½ billion inhabitants on Earth this presents them with a lot of CO2 spewing life forms to hate.

These modern day luddites rationalize and try to provide cover for their true position by calling for not just the recycling of discarded trash but also the recycling of previously discredited utopian ideas. These retread ideas include promoting the establishment of “perfect” socialist states where wars are outlawed and all the world lives peacefully in the collective as blissful as bees in a hive and as Nature intended. The only twist is these luddites hide the fact that the utopia they wish for does not include the presence of human life.

I will not go into the motives for this belief system as that discussion can invite input from those favoring medical (e.g. dementia) diagnosis, psychological (psychotically induced self-loathing) possibilities, or a theological (evil manifest on Earth) explanation. Whatever the root cause, this wellspring of hatred manifests itself not just on the environmental front but it also nourishes anti-human life issues such as the quest for unfettered abortion on demand and opposition to improving the length and quality of human life on Earth through medical and technological means.

How else does one explain opposition to the use of DDT or genetically enhanced foods?

Somehow to the committed environmentalist the hugely preventable and agonizing (fever, shivering, vomiting, anemia, and convulsions) deaths of about 3 million people, many of these children, each year due to malaria and the equally gruesome deaths of millions more due to hunger are preferable to those deaths related to war in say Darfur. People killed by “natural” causes rather than by other people are the luckiest people in the world.

Therefore it follows that any technological device or idea that could be advanced for the good of man, especially if there is any hint of a connection to greenhouse gas, is to be opposed. And violently opposed if need be. Better to let corn disappear and other crops revert to a wild “natural” state than to choose to breed and graft together hardier varieties to feed the hungry. Better to save the ecosystem, and as a consequence the mosquito, rather than aggressively fight disease. Better to let man become extinct than bend a blade of grass or hurt a fly.

If man caused global warming is a fact and if it were to continue unabated perhaps it would turn most of the world into a tropical or subtropical paradise for malaria carrying mosquitoes. The irony of this scenario, to the luddite, is exquisite. The possibility of the whole of humanity being at the mercy of the tiniest of creatures on earth would be more than the truly insane environmentalist could hope for. The only problem would be that the Al Gores of the world and other similar demagogues who seek to profit from “human caused” global warming would be out of a job.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Face Behind the Mask

As former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich so rightly observed today on the Fox News Channel, the rhetoric of the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright is the same as the doctrine we constantly hear from the hard left. The color or occupation of the messenger does not matter. Far left hate speech routinely pours forth from academia, the “entertainment” industry, and the “mainstream” media. No institutions, including religious institutions are exempt from another bout of this everything old is new again plague.

What the American people have seen, or at least those who have had access to fair and balanced media coverage, is a true revelation of the thoughts, dreams, and aspirations of the Hate America first contingent of the political spectrum. This has to put a chill up the collective spine of all far left hate mongers in America. Those of this crowd who are not truly insane believe, and I hope this is still the case, that if America actually knew their views they would never be able to elect anyone to any office. The problem of course is how to fool America while at the same time muzzling those on the far left that are truly insane. This has been turned into a very difficult task as the infighting in the Democrat Party between the supporters of Senator Obama and the only slightly less liberal Senator Hillary Clinton continues.

Rev. Wright has revealed what passes as “Progressive” or “Liberal” thought in no uncertain terms. The far left view shows what he and others who believe as he does have in store for what they perceive as a supremely evil America. And that is death:

Death to Freedom to Choose
Death to Freedom of Religion
Death to the Constitution
Death to Freedom
Death to America

As the single most liberal Senator in Congress, Barak Obama chose to not just associate with Rev. Wright for 20 years. He has called him a close friend and advisor. This is evidenced by his long time membership in Wright’s church and that he was married and had his children baptized in this same church. The Senator denies none of this.

So it can be assumed then that this “advisor” has had at least some impact on how the Senator shapes his view of the world in general and America in particular. To think otherwise would call into question the clear manifestations of what would normally pass as an enduring personal relationship. To hear the Senator say, on the same day and on the same Fox News Channel, that he previously was aware of only some of Wrights positions and then only learned of these within the past year would cause one, as Hillary Clinton might say, “to suspend disbelief”.

Friday, March 07, 2008

The Case of the Missing Misogynist

Other than the much reported Limbaugh Factor, the Hillary Clinton campaign for President seems to have benefited from the under reported absence of late of her own personal millstone William Jefferson (It’s all about my legacy) Clinton. Note to overly sensitive mainstream media supporters of Barak (Middle name not to be spoken of or written about) Obama: I used all three of the former President’s names.

Hillary has been conspicuous in her separation from her dearly beloved when appearing at events including those where victory celebration is in order. One can conclude that, unlike the other candidates from both parties, she remains separated as she does not have the luxury of having a spouse that she would not feel embarrassed to be out with in public.

What to make of this? For a man that craves being the center of attention as much as other multi-celled life forms crave food, air and sunlight this is an extra ordinary turn of events. Poor Hillary has suffered the slings and arrows thrown her way by William Jefferson Clinton (there I did it again). At least that is what her campaign would have you believe. Instead she walked clear-eyed into a politically motivated union designed only to achieve power and in its callous disregard for any of the traditional reasons for marriage would have made the Borgias blush with envy.

Hillary’s past inability to dissuade WJC (ok I’m tired of typing the three names already) from inserting his wingtips directly into his mouth has called into question her ability to stand up to Yugo Chavez and Mockmood I’ma Nut Job. Up to just recently, WJC has managed to chew through all manner of muzzles placed on him. What has Hillary done recently to change this situation? Or is it Hillary’s doing?

I am concerned that foul play may be afoot. Serious democrats (should they exist) must call for an investigation, the scope of which would leave no rock, stone, rock star, or stoned rock star unturned. Congress should hold public hearings and inquire as to whether the NYPD has dragged the Hudson River, covered the waterfront, and infiltrated singles bars. FEMA must be called in to explain its actions in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Karl Rove and various other members of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy in general and the Bush Administration in particular must appear and explain themselves. Somebody must be held accountable and normal Congressional activity must be ground to a halt until those persons are identified.

We should not rest until we find the answers and bring those responsible to justice. Only then can we be proud of America and show the world we have regained the moral high ground.