Friday, March 14, 2008

The Face Behind the Mask

As former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich so rightly observed today on the Fox News Channel, the rhetoric of the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright is the same as the doctrine we constantly hear from the hard left. The color or occupation of the messenger does not matter. Far left hate speech routinely pours forth from academia, the “entertainment” industry, and the “mainstream” media. No institutions, including religious institutions are exempt from another bout of this everything old is new again plague.

What the American people have seen, or at least those who have had access to fair and balanced media coverage, is a true revelation of the thoughts, dreams, and aspirations of the Hate America first contingent of the political spectrum. This has to put a chill up the collective spine of all far left hate mongers in America. Those of this crowd who are not truly insane believe, and I hope this is still the case, that if America actually knew their views they would never be able to elect anyone to any office. The problem of course is how to fool America while at the same time muzzling those on the far left that are truly insane. This has been turned into a very difficult task as the infighting in the Democrat Party between the supporters of Senator Obama and the only slightly less liberal Senator Hillary Clinton continues.

Rev. Wright has revealed what passes as “Progressive” or “Liberal” thought in no uncertain terms. The far left view shows what he and others who believe as he does have in store for what they perceive as a supremely evil America. And that is death:

Death to Freedom to Choose
Death to Freedom of Religion
Death to the Constitution
Death to Freedom
Death to America

As the single most liberal Senator in Congress, Barak Obama chose to not just associate with Rev. Wright for 20 years. He has called him a close friend and advisor. This is evidenced by his long time membership in Wright’s church and that he was married and had his children baptized in this same church. The Senator denies none of this.

So it can be assumed then that this “advisor” has had at least some impact on how the Senator shapes his view of the world in general and America in particular. To think otherwise would call into question the clear manifestations of what would normally pass as an enduring personal relationship. To hear the Senator say, on the same day and on the same Fox News Channel, that he previously was aware of only some of Wrights positions and then only learned of these within the past year would cause one, as Hillary Clinton might say, “to suspend disbelief”.


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