Barack Obama: Secular Superhero
Out of the fevered minds and the arrested development of the far left has been forged the latest attempt to achieve what no sane person would allow to their ilk, the chance to wield power under the guise of leadership. “Leadership” as interpreted by the far left is championed by the embodiment of the secular superhero Multicultural Man masquerading as mild mannered Barack Hussein Obama.
Multicultural Man does not leap tall buildings in a single bound, is not faster than a speeding bullet, and is not stronger than a locomotive because none of these things are relevant. Buildings (as they may contain asbestos), bullets (why have them if strict gun control is enforced), and locomotives (please, much too polluting as they burn diesel fuel) need not and do not exist in the world of Multicultural Man.
Those who preceded Multicultural Man in leftist Darwinian evolution were only so many versions of a Politically Correct Frankenstein. These previous experiments, because of their advanced age or other ingrained beliefs, had to have politically correct appendages grafted to them in order to appear to have been assimilated into the collective. This is not a problem for Multicultural Man as he is pure born and raised under PC doctrine. His rootless life as a child and young adult, a product of American, Asian and African influences, is a testament to multiculturalism while qualifying him as a victim as he drifted not only between states in America but also in the world. He is the ultimate work in progress having tried Islam, Christianity, secularism, drugs, college life, state and national government, and community organizing and none of these to any noteworthy end. His life to this point has truly been colorless but colorless as in bland and not as in transcending race.
What this breadth of “experience” is missing of course is commitment either to the job at hand or the people connected to that job. Previous friends and fellow travelers, whether they are a domestic terrorist or confidant pastor, are dismissed as soon as they become a liability. They are left behind as expediently as they were first met. Abstract ideas such as love of country are unknown to someone who has lived in a bubble of educational privilege, political isolation, and unavoidably imposed foreign exile for their entire life. The end result is someone untainted by the great unwashed who inhabit the second America of doers and achievers who want to not only compete but win and were so often derided by a mendacious fellow secular disciple.
Unlike fictional superheroes, who have very human doubts about their ability to meet great challenges, Multicultural Man has none. This may be because since he has never had a significant challenge he has no frame of reference. He speaks much like a callow youth who has no idea of or experience in what it is to make difficult decisions. His “deer in the headlights” demeanor becomes painfully obvious when a teleprompter is not readily available to give him directions from his puppet masters.
In a year where his party should be comfortably ahead he remains mired in a virtual tie with his opponent. This is in large part due to voters coming to the same conclusion as Gertrude Stein did about Oakland California: “There is no there there.”
Multicultural Man does not leap tall buildings in a single bound, is not faster than a speeding bullet, and is not stronger than a locomotive because none of these things are relevant. Buildings (as they may contain asbestos), bullets (why have them if strict gun control is enforced), and locomotives (please, much too polluting as they burn diesel fuel) need not and do not exist in the world of Multicultural Man.
Those who preceded Multicultural Man in leftist Darwinian evolution were only so many versions of a Politically Correct Frankenstein. These previous experiments, because of their advanced age or other ingrained beliefs, had to have politically correct appendages grafted to them in order to appear to have been assimilated into the collective. This is not a problem for Multicultural Man as he is pure born and raised under PC doctrine. His rootless life as a child and young adult, a product of American, Asian and African influences, is a testament to multiculturalism while qualifying him as a victim as he drifted not only between states in America but also in the world. He is the ultimate work in progress having tried Islam, Christianity, secularism, drugs, college life, state and national government, and community organizing and none of these to any noteworthy end. His life to this point has truly been colorless but colorless as in bland and not as in transcending race.
What this breadth of “experience” is missing of course is commitment either to the job at hand or the people connected to that job. Previous friends and fellow travelers, whether they are a domestic terrorist or confidant pastor, are dismissed as soon as they become a liability. They are left behind as expediently as they were first met. Abstract ideas such as love of country are unknown to someone who has lived in a bubble of educational privilege, political isolation, and unavoidably imposed foreign exile for their entire life. The end result is someone untainted by the great unwashed who inhabit the second America of doers and achievers who want to not only compete but win and were so often derided by a mendacious fellow secular disciple.
Unlike fictional superheroes, who have very human doubts about their ability to meet great challenges, Multicultural Man has none. This may be because since he has never had a significant challenge he has no frame of reference. He speaks much like a callow youth who has no idea of or experience in what it is to make difficult decisions. His “deer in the headlights” demeanor becomes painfully obvious when a teleprompter is not readily available to give him directions from his puppet masters.
In a year where his party should be comfortably ahead he remains mired in a virtual tie with his opponent. This is in large part due to voters coming to the same conclusion as Gertrude Stein did about Oakland California: “There is no there there.”