An Army of None
As the Congress of the United States considers the revocation of the “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” policy regarding gays in the military let us consider what “gays” are. To begin to answer this we must first define what gays are not.
Gays are not Darwinists. The relentlessly unproven theory of Darwinism maintains that all species evolve over time by constantly refining and improving certain attributes through natural selection designed to perpetuate their species exclusively. Gays, who obviously do not have the natural ability to reproduce with each other, are therefore polar opposites of Darwinists. Gays do share at least one thing in common with Darwinists they to do not have a “missing link”, a Homo Flaccidus, which could connect them with the natural world as it really exists.
Gays are not Muslims. Islam, unlike Christianity, would put all gays to the sword. After all Iran, as publicly stated by its leader, and other Islamic dominated countries do not have gays.
Gays are not pro-life or pro-family. On its face gays oppose procreation because it is an impossibility for the committed. A gay who masquerades or actually gives into parental instincts is by definition not a gay and is in fact a hypocrite or a fifth columnist working against traditional families consisting of a male and female parent joined by a marriage.
Gays are not civil rights victims. Lifestyle choice has no claim to civil rights because it is a choice and not a mandate by nature. Whether that choice is serial killer, drug user, pedophile, jihadist, hermit, or hippie, in a civilized society lifestyle is important only in its end results: Does it encourage or discourage anti-social or criminal behavior?
Gays, unless they repent, are not Christians. Christianity specifically denotes gays as being sinful. Christianity recognizes that gays have chosen a sinful path by their own God given free will. The only way to leave this path is by freely accepting Jesus Christ. In contrast to Islam and by no means an easy task this does seem preferable to being immediately put to the sword. Although by becoming a Christian this might be only a slight improvement from the perspective of Islam. Therefore as long as a gay chooses to remain a gay, the jury is still out regarding the sincerity of any who profess to be Christians.
One thing gays certainly are is confused if not calculating. Young people are constantly being recruited into the lifestyle. Gay life style advocates, like street gang and cult leaders, know young people have often not established allegiances to a cause and can be easily persuaded to join.
Calculating by its very nature this recruiting of confused individuals validates the fact that being gay is a choice. The ironic thing is gays use much of the tried and true techniques to sign up new recruits as are used by the military recruiters they despise. Unlike military recruiters however, gay lifestyle recruiters are given totally free access to college campuses.
There are those who have treatable medical conditions such as hormonal imbalance who are not “gays” and should never be considered as being such. Gays choose an alternative lifestyle contrary to all natural and societal laws and rules. By giving them the benefit of being confused instead of calculating allows for a resolution of their confusion by rejection of the gay lifestyle through therapy, acceptance of Christianity, or through means other than military service. A choice made about such a basic thing as gender identity that is driven by confusion has no place in military combat as it casts doubt on commitment to a country overwhelming aligned to an opposing morality and ethic. The end result is that whatever is in a man’s heart can only be divined by God, not by hate crimes advocates or through the questioning of a military or lifestyle recruiter.
Gays are not Darwinists. The relentlessly unproven theory of Darwinism maintains that all species evolve over time by constantly refining and improving certain attributes through natural selection designed to perpetuate their species exclusively. Gays, who obviously do not have the natural ability to reproduce with each other, are therefore polar opposites of Darwinists. Gays do share at least one thing in common with Darwinists they to do not have a “missing link”, a Homo Flaccidus, which could connect them with the natural world as it really exists.
Gays are not Muslims. Islam, unlike Christianity, would put all gays to the sword. After all Iran, as publicly stated by its leader, and other Islamic dominated countries do not have gays.
Gays are not pro-life or pro-family. On its face gays oppose procreation because it is an impossibility for the committed. A gay who masquerades or actually gives into parental instincts is by definition not a gay and is in fact a hypocrite or a fifth columnist working against traditional families consisting of a male and female parent joined by a marriage.
Gays are not civil rights victims. Lifestyle choice has no claim to civil rights because it is a choice and not a mandate by nature. Whether that choice is serial killer, drug user, pedophile, jihadist, hermit, or hippie, in a civilized society lifestyle is important only in its end results: Does it encourage or discourage anti-social or criminal behavior?
Gays, unless they repent, are not Christians. Christianity specifically denotes gays as being sinful. Christianity recognizes that gays have chosen a sinful path by their own God given free will. The only way to leave this path is by freely accepting Jesus Christ. In contrast to Islam and by no means an easy task this does seem preferable to being immediately put to the sword. Although by becoming a Christian this might be only a slight improvement from the perspective of Islam. Therefore as long as a gay chooses to remain a gay, the jury is still out regarding the sincerity of any who profess to be Christians.
One thing gays certainly are is confused if not calculating. Young people are constantly being recruited into the lifestyle. Gay life style advocates, like street gang and cult leaders, know young people have often not established allegiances to a cause and can be easily persuaded to join.
Calculating by its very nature this recruiting of confused individuals validates the fact that being gay is a choice. The ironic thing is gays use much of the tried and true techniques to sign up new recruits as are used by the military recruiters they despise. Unlike military recruiters however, gay lifestyle recruiters are given totally free access to college campuses.
There are those who have treatable medical conditions such as hormonal imbalance who are not “gays” and should never be considered as being such. Gays choose an alternative lifestyle contrary to all natural and societal laws and rules. By giving them the benefit of being confused instead of calculating allows for a resolution of their confusion by rejection of the gay lifestyle through therapy, acceptance of Christianity, or through means other than military service. A choice made about such a basic thing as gender identity that is driven by confusion has no place in military combat as it casts doubt on commitment to a country overwhelming aligned to an opposing morality and ethic. The end result is that whatever is in a man’s heart can only be divined by God, not by hate crimes advocates or through the questioning of a military or lifestyle recruiter.